Financing Singapore’s Hydrogen Future

Singapore’s National Hydrogen Strategy appears to be meticulously conceived and well- situated within Singapore’s decarbonisation plans. Policy support will make hydrogen- related projects more bankable. However, financiers will still need to sort the wheat from the chaff. “Low-carbon” or “clean” hydrogen definitions may not align with a credible net-zero pathway if fossil fuels are still […]
Charting Asia’s Protein Transition

Discover the urgent need for Asia to transition its protein production and consumption in line with climate goals. Uncover key findings: by 2030, animal protein must decline for alternatives, and by 2060, most countries should have over 30-90% alternative protein production. Dedicated funding from the Asian food industry, investors, and banks is crucial. The report […]
Banking on Transition Technologies: Beware of Lock-In Traps

Recent guidelines on transition technologies for Asia have been influenced by Japanese energy policies, which validate and promote CCUS and ammonia co-firing in the Power sector. These guidelines may be inappropriate for countries in Southeast Asia where the circumstances differ from Japan and investing in renewable power is viable. Banks seeking to achieve net-zero goals […]
Responsible Protein Sourcing in Asia: Baseline Benchmark

Asia’s exchange-listed food buyers source meat, dairy, seafood and eggs for everyday home, restaurant, airline and hotel use. Many also export beyond Asia. Until now, they have not been benchmarked collectively for their performance on the responsible sourcing of proteins. We benchmarked 158 companies across 10 Asian markets – some of the largest supermarkets, convenience […]
Banking Asia’s Future: How to Align with National Climate Plans

Asia’s governments have declared long-term net-zero targets and are introducing regulation to spur action in the short to medium term across the region’s economies. Asia’s banks have a choice. They can set strategies that anticipate regulatory or market developments and position themselves to mitigate risks to capital and capitalise on multi-trillion-dollar opportunities. Alternatively, they can […]
CG Watch 2020

“Future Promise” is the Asian Corporate Governance Association’s tenth biennial CG Watch report. As with previous editions, it explores ESG performance and practice by market, ranking the Corporate Governance standards of twelve Asia-Pacific markets. Australia heads the table, though weaknesses around Government and Regulation hold them back from a greater lead. Indonesia, Philippines and China […]
Green stepping stones: Malaysia’s journey towards tackling climate change

What are the climate risks and opportunities faced by Malaysian industry? How well are companies in Malaysia positioned to manage growing risks and capitalise on opportunities? The answers to these questions will reveal the extent to which Malaysian companies will stay competitive against international peers, sustain their growth, and build trust with investors. Industry response […]
Asian Cropportunities: Supplying Raw Materials for Plant-based Meat

Most of the food consumed by humans is derived from a handful of crops. This also rings true in plant-based meat alternatives, where the majority of products rely on two main crops: soy and wheat. As producers and consumers, we are barely scratching the surface of the plant kingdom’s potential. Ingredient diversification has positive effects […]
Exploring the appetite for Alternative Proteins

Download Report Here for further insights into the land impact of the growing demand for alternative proteins. “Collectively, all animals reared for consumption require an estimated 32.1 million km² to grow; land area approximately equivalent to the size of Africa.” By 2030, land savings could be up to approximately 8 million km², the equivalent landmass […]
Tracking the Transition

This benchmarking report provides an expert review of the strategy and environmental performance of the six largest listed coal-fired power companies in China based on company reporting between 2015 and 2018. These companies have among the largest coal-fired fleets among global listed power companies. Together they accounted for one fifth of the power generated in […]